Dreaming the Impossible (DTI) a youth movement for young people aged 12-18 from churches and youth organisations everywhere. It is open to all streams, networks and denominations and is run by Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland (VCUKI). We take the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults very seriously. DTI have a duty to promote the welfare of children, young people, and adults. We believe that we should work together to prevent abuse from occurring and that we should seek to protect those that are at risk of being abused and respond well to those that have been abused.

The welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults at risk is always paramount and should take precedence over all other considerations. We have a dedicated safeguarding team working in partnership with the VCUKI National Safeguarding Team to help provide a safe environment in which children, young people and adults can develop physically, intellectually, and spiritually. We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice regularly. Should you wish to have a copy of our National Safeguarding Policy and the DTI Safeguarding Event Plan please email:

DTI promotes a strong safeguarding culture, from our recruitment processes right through to our site management. All team are properly vetted before being allowed to serve at DTI. We also operate a high visibility policy requiring all adults on site to wear a bright coloured lanyard clearly showing their permitted level of access to the youth. Hosts and stewards patrol the site and key areas at all times to make sure that the site is a safe and fun place for all to be.

All churches bringing young people to the event are asked to confirm that all the adults they are bringing on-site have been recruited safely and have a reference and an up-to-date Enhanced DBS check. These adults will need to have been trained in the Safeguarding Procedures of their local church. In addition, they will have to ensure that these individuals know the DTI procedures for safeguarding while on site (which will have been emailed to the church). DTI Operates a high visibility policy, requiring all adults on-site to wear a colour coded badge on their lanyard. These badges show the access level permitted to youth and restricted zones.

At DTI it is expected that:

  1. All allegations of child abuse will be referred to the DTI Safeguarding Lead or their deputy. If the suspicions in any way implicate both the Lead and the Deputy Lead, then Children’s Services or the sending churches’ co-ordinator should be contacted in accordance with the safeguarding policy. Thirtyone:eight could also be contacted for advice.
  2. The DTI Safeguarding Lead has the responsibility to action all allegations or suspicions of abuse. If the suspicions in any way involve the Lead then the matter should be reported to the Deputy Lead.
  3. The Lead has the authority to contact either Children’s Services local to the child's home, Children’s Services or the Police local to the Camp and/or Thirtyone: eight for advice.
  4. Allegations will be dealt with on a 'need to know' basis.
  5. If allegations involve a child or worker from a sending organisation then the leader of that church or a nominated person (i.e. their safeguarding coordinator) will be informed. It is expected they will keep confidence and not investigate the matter themselves.

If you need to raise a safeguarding concern please contact the Safeguarding team on-site or at or by calling 01482 462690

If you believe a child or adult is at risk of immediate harm, please telephone the police on 999 as soon as possible.

If you are a survivor of abuse or have been affected by abuse in any way here are links to other organisations that maybe helpful:


Association of Christian Counsellors (ACC)

British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)


The Survivors Trust

Minister & Clergy Sexual Abuse Service (MACSAS)

National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC)


Over recent months we have been answering some questions about Mike Pilavachi following the release of the Church of England National Safeguarding report, and the forthcoming Fiona Scolding KC report.  We wanted to share our answers to these, for clarity and transparency.

What is your response to the safeguarding allegations into Mike Pilavachi being upheld?

We are profoundly saddened for those affected. We recognise the validity of the safeguarding report, the witness of victims, and the hurt, anger and confusion that is present in the Church today. We also recognise the bravery and courage that it takes for people to share their experiences of abuse, and are grateful to them.

What was the relationship between Mike Pilavachi, Soul Survivor and DTI?

As many of you will know, when Soul Survivor ended, DTI was one of the existing youth festivals that Mike Pilavachi endorsed.  It was the closure of the Soul Survivor festivals that provided the opportunity for DTI to move from the spring to the summer, which we had long hoped to do.

Post this endorsement in 2019, some of the Soul Survivor team shared their logistical and operational experience with us.  This helped us move onto a site which Soul Survivor were very knowledgeable about. Mike also continued to encourage our team, publicly and privately, and promoted DTI. 

DTI is hosted by Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland.  Whilst VCUKI is its own charity, there have been some long-standing relational connections between Soul Survivor and the Vineyard, as well as shared values in ministry.  As a result, there have been multiple occasions where Mike has been invited to speak at DTI.

Were you previously aware of any concerns or complaints about Mike Pilavachi?

Prior to the public investigation being initiated, we had no knowledge of any concerns with regards to Mike Pilavachi or Soul Survivor.  We have found these revelations very upsetting, difficult to process and confusing.  

In light of what we now know, we want to apologise for any pain or upset we have caused by having Mike Pilavachi speak at DTI.

Did Soul Survivor give DTI any money?

Yes.  Soul Survivor gifted DTI £25,000 in 2019 in order to help facilitate our move to the summer.  This came from Soul Survivor's restricted funds, which existed to help finance a Christian youth festival (which they were no longer doing) and had to be spent as such. 

Whilst this is a significant amount of money, it’s also a fraction of what a summer festival costs to underwrite.  The conditions were that this money would be spent on our summer festival, but there were no strings attached that gave Soul Survivor or Mike Pilavachi reach, influence, or platform at DTI.

Why have you deleted past talks and resources from Mike Pilavachi on your digital platforms?

We don’t believe it’s appropriate for Mike’s resources to remain on our digital platforms, so we have removed these.  We do this not to erase our history with Mike Pilavachi, but as a recognition that profiling or platforming Mike’s words are not appropriate, and can cause further hurt and pain. 

Have you made any changes in light of these findings?

Yes.  In 2023 we reviewed and revised both our safeguarding policies and procedures, as well as our prayer ministry practice and guidelines.  We also implemented more robust training, and resourcing for those on the Dream Team (the volunteers that make DTI happen).  We are committed to providing a safe space for young people to thrive.   All policies, procedures and models of ministry will be frequently reviewed to ensure best practice continues.

Who are the DTI team accountable to?

The DTI senior team are accountable to the Vineyard Leadership Team, and the Vineyard Churches (VCUKI) Trustees.  They are also accountable to their Senior leaders in their local churches.

What is DTI’s complaint policy?

DTI is a ministry of Vineyard Churches.  The complaints policy is available here.

Where do I go if I have more questions?

We are happy to answer any questions you may have.  Please send these to


To read our statement regarding the recent allegations concerning Mike Pilavachi, head here.

Susie & Zeke, May 2023