Youth Leaders Guide

What is Dreaming the Impossible?

What is Dreaming the Impossible?

Dreaming the Impossible is an annual Christian youth gathering for 12-18 year olds from churches and youth organisations everywhere. It is open to all streams, networks and denominations and is run by Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland.

Our gatherings are unashamedly all about Jesus but we try and make everything accessible for those with no or little experience of church or youth group and these young people are especially welcome to join us.

DTI is about inspiring and equipping young people to love God, love others and change the world. Our heart is that young people would encounter God at DTI and leave our gatherings knowing His love for them in a deeper way, and be ready to live out their faith back home being part of a local church.

Our programme is always rammed but the thing we’re most excited about is seeing what God wants to do over our 4 days together. Every morning and evening we come together as family to worship Jesus, hear some great teaching from the Bible and spend loads of time learning how to pray for each other and hanging out in God’s presence.

Outside of the main meetings there’s load of time for the young people to hang out with their friends and make some new ones.  They can choose to go along to seminars which cover lots of different topics relating to how young people live out their faith as well as explore cafes, sports, music, films and other fun activities that are going on late into the evening!

Who is DTI aimed at / What age do young people have to be to come?

DTI is an event aimed at young people aged 12-18 ,or starting one of the following years at school in September 2024 for those born in August.

- England/Wales: Year 8
- Scotland: S2
- Ireland: Year 9
- N Ireland: 2nd Year

If you have young people, age 11 who would like to attend DTI as youth and not attend as part of our 5-11's kids ministry, you are welcome to book them on with a 12-18 ticket. Please be aware that the content in the main meetings will be geared towards 12-18's.

All under 18s must be accompanied by a youth leader who is over 18. Each youth leader can accompany up to 8 young people.

We do not allow adults who are not with a group of young people to come to DTI alone.

When and where is it?

Dreaming the Impossible is held at Staffordshire County Showground starting on the 2 August. We’ll gather for our first meeting at approx. 7pm that evening, so it’s best to arrive earlier in the afternoon to get your campsite set up. The site will be open from 12:00.

The last evening meeting is on the evening of 6 August with all our venues closing at 11.30pm.  We’d love everyone to stay on site and leave the following morning 7 August.  The site needs vacating by 9:30am.

How much does it cost?

There are several different prices for the event depending on when you book; you can save money by booking in advance. We don't offer any large group discounts as we think it's fairer to offer everyone the opportunity to save money by booking early.

Tickets can be purchased online with the option to pay in full, pay via BACS or through instalments.

Here’s a breakdown of the prices and deadlines for youth and youth leaders:

28 Feb 2025 - £125
31 May 2025 - £135
Final Price - £140

The ticket price includes entry into all the main meetings, seminars, sports, films, activities and any other goings on around the site.

We will provide enough space for your group on the campsite. Electric hook-ups are not included in the ticket price, but we do have a limited number of hook-ups that can be purchased when booking on for DTI. The hook-up fee includes installation, the associated hire of equipment and the cost of power during the event. Please note: those who require electric hook-ups for medical needs will be given priority.

The things you will need to arrange yourself are your transport to and from the event, as well as your camping equipment and your food. There’s a small shop on-site where you can buy essential food items. There is also an Asda, Lidl and Sainsburys nearby in Stafford if you need to do a larger shop.

There will be a range of food vans & cafes where you can buy drinks and any snacks you fancy that will be open at meal times and after the evening meeting. There will also be merch that you and your young people may wish to purchase.

Holiday insurance isn’t compulsory, but we’re not able to offer refunds after the 1st July 2025 so you may wish to arrange cover in case there is an emergency that means you or your group can’t attend.

How do I book and manage my tickets?

Head to our website and select Book Now. This will take you through to Solid Rock our ticketing system. You’ll be prompted to register an account which you’ll keep for every Dreaming the Impossible event you attend.

The Group Coordinator will need to book on first and tick that that they are the Group Coordinator for your church/ youth group. A unique code will be generated for your group, which can then be distributed out to your youth group to book on. By using the unique code to book on, Group Coordinators will be able to see who from their youth group has signed up. The Group Coordinator should be the leader who will be responsible for the group whilst at DTI.

Adding Bookings

You can keep booking on more people to your group up until the start of the event. However if DTI sells out, tickets will no longer be added to any group.

Young people can create an account and book a ticket within your group as long as you have shared your group code with them.

Group Coordinators will be able to view all the people who have joined their group by logging into their solid rock account and selecting ‘My groups’.


Can my group pay by BACS/ Installment payments?

Yes, all ticket holders are able to pay either in full via card, or BAC'S, or in regular installments over a number months via BAC'S or card.

Please email if you have any questions.

Will day tickets be available for the event?

Day tickets will be available to purchase online and at the gate on the day unless the event has sold out. Please check the website and social media to see if day tickets are available to avoid disappointment.

Youth groups are welcome to come along for the day, but must adhere to the safeguarding ratio of 1 youth leader to 8 young people. If you are a young person or a youth leader coming to DTI for the day you will need to be linked to your youth group on-site and your youth group must have adequate ratios (1:8). It is the responsibility of the day ticket holder (or their parent/guardian) to inform the relevant group coordinator that you will be joining them. On arrival all young people/ youth leaders joining for the day must be met at the gate by their church’s youth leader or group coordinator. Delegates with a full day ticket can arrive on-site from 09:00 and can remain on-site until 23:00 when the program for the day finishes. Evening ticket holders can arrive from 17:00 and remain on-site until 23:00 when the programme for the day finishes.

How do I organise a Group?


For each ticket holder we will ask for a full name, address and date of birth, emergency contact, and for any medical/ access requirements. We do not need any other information but here are some things we ask you to arrange for yourselves:

DBS for your leaders

Your young people are your responsibility throughout DTI. We maintain a safeguarding policy of 1 leader (who is 18 or above) to 8 young people.

All of your leaders will need DBS certificates. We don’t need to see those but ask that you check them all before departure.

Risk assessment

You may be asked to carry out a risk assessment. This is common for social services if you’re bringing someone in your youth group currently in foster care. We can’t provide a risk assessment for you, but you can find useful guidance in assessing health and safety risks on the HSE website:

‘We have provided a copy of the site rules contract that you can use for your young people to sign up to ahead of coming to DTI. These can be found in the appendix at the bottom of the page.

Contact info

You (the Group Coordinator) are the person we will contact in an emergency. However, we suggest you collate a list of the young people’s emergency contact details and store them somewhere safe so you can contact their parents/carers if needed. It’s wise to keep a printed list of mobile numbers in your group in case your phone battery dies.

Medical or allergy information

Although we have a first aid team onsite, any ongoing medical treatment (such as allergy tablets) can be administered by you, as well as basics like plasters and painkillers. We suggest you note down any allergies or medicines taken in case of emergency. The first aid team would be happy to store any medicine for you in their fridge, if that’s required. Please pop into first aid at the start of the week and let them know about any potential health problems in your group so they can be prepared.

Kit list

Whilst group sizes vary hugely, there are some basics that you almost always need for camping. Please see the kit list in the Appendix at the bottom of the page.

We advise you not to bring any valuables as tents can’t be secured; anything you do bring is entirely at your own risk.

Food and Supplies

There is a small onsite shop for all your essentials including bread, milk and batteries. There is an Asda, Lidl and Sainsburys in Stafford which is a 10 minute drive away.

If you aren’t able to go offsite and buy food, we have a range of food vans in our food court that will be supplying fast food such as pizzas and burgers throughout DTI.

Alternatively, we are happy for you to order online food deliveries to the showground. Deliveries will be able to come as far as the main gate. They will call you when they arrive  so please give them your name, camping zone and mobile number. When they arrive please be ready to meet them at the main gate as we can’t accept deliveries on your behalf.

Throughout DTI the Group Coordinator or a nominated leader needs to be responsible for food safety. This  includes storing food at the correct temperature, probing food to make sure it is thoroughly cooked and ensuring that leftovers are disposed of properly.

We have a camping shop that will be based in The Station which will be selling a range of camping and outdoors equipment including ice packs.

Generators & electrical hook-ups

Unfortunately, we do not allow generators to be brought onto site under any circumstances due to warnings from fire safety authorities about their safety.

We offer a small number of electrical hook-ups for the week for a cost of £200. Priority will go to people with a medical or physical assistance need, such as powering mobility equipment. Electric hook-ups can be purchased by the group coordinator when booking onto DTI.

Group Coordinator Emails and Zoom Call

We will emailing Group Coordinators in the months leading up to DTI so keep an eye out for these as they will have lots of useful details for organising your group.

We will also run a couple of Group Coordinators Zoom calls in early July to share the programme details and give you an opportunity to ask the team any questions that you may have about bringing your group.

What will each day look like at DTI?

Main meetings

The main meetings begin on Saturday evening. Every morning and evening we come together as family to worship Jesus, hear some great teaching from the Bible and spend loads of time learning how to pray for each other and hanging out in God’s presence.


Worship is a key part of our faith and is central to all that we do at DTI. We gather together as one family to sing and praise God. Worship allows us to draw closer to Jesus and press into a more intimate relationship with him.


During each meeting, we make time to look at God’s word together and hear from a speaker who will help us apply what we read in the Bible to the things that are happening in our lives and in the world around us. We try and make the talks fun so that they are easy to listen to and engage with as we want to inspire and equip young people.


During ministry times we ask the Holy Spirit to come and meet with us. We believe that the Holy Spirit is with us always but by asking him to come we ask for him to fall on us and for a fresh anointing of his presence. We believe that in ministry times God can heal us, set us free, and reveal more of himself to us. Susie and the team will talk you and your young people through what is going to happen from the front. Throughout the week in these ministry times there will be a few opportunities for the young people to give their lives to Jesus.


Every day we have a jam-packed schedule of seminars. These are focused on a particular topic, covering all sorts of subjects such as praying for people, worship, reading the Bible, mission, being bold, and being set free from pain. Feel free to head along to as many of these as you like and encourage your young people to do the same.

Some groups gather together each morning and look at what seminars are coming up that day. People are often more motivated to go when they know others are going too and it might be that you/some of your leaders can take groups to seminars you think would be of particular interest.

Afternoons & evenings

As well as seminars, there is a tonne of other stuff going on to fill the afternoons and evenings. We have cafés, sports venues, fun activities and a whole range of seminars that you and your young people can attend.

We really encourage you and your young people to get as involved as you can whilst at Dreaming the Impossible. Engage in the worship, take notes during the talks, go along to seminars, make friends and pray for people. If there is anything you are not sure about or think we could do better, then come to the info desk - we would love to know what you think!

It’s always wise to plan some time out for yourself and your other group leaders each day. Check in on each other and try and have coffee together to keep a sense of team spirit – whilst it can be exhilarating seeing young people meet with Jesus, it can also be exhausting being surrounded by teenagers for five days!

How Accessible is DTI?

We want to make sure everyone who comes to DTI gets as much out of the event as possible.

If you have specific requirements which mean you may need some extra help – for example, you may need BSL interpretation of meetings or accessible showers and loos – please let us know by noting this in the additional requirements box on your online booking form, and by getting in touch with us at:

The Space

We want everyone to enjoy DTI, so we have created the Space, to offer just that; a safe, quiet space with a range of sensory activities, for youth and youth leaders to retreat to. There will be a great team who will be hanging out in the Space, to offer support and chat to delegates. The Space will be available in the main sessions and in the afternoons and evenings.

The Space - Main Meetings

We want everybody to enjoy the main meeting and engage with what is going on. We have an open sided gazebo at the back of the main venue for those people who are finding a crowded environment a bit too much. There will be sensory activities, ear defenders, soft flooring and a team ready to welcome you. This is a place where you can feel  safe and secure in whilst being able to engage with the main meetings.

The Space - Afternoons and Evenings

The Space is open in the afternoon and evenings for drop in sessions. There will be lots of sensory activities and quiet safe spot for youth and youth leaders to retreat too. The team would love to meet you there. Check out the onsite map to find us.

Blue badge holders 

If you are a Blue Badge holder and will need to use your car once on site, please note this on your booking form and we will provide you with a parking permit

Access to venues

The main venue and seminar venues have level access. Wheelchair users and visually impaired delegates can enter the main venue five minutes before other delegates. Please ask a member of the host team for access when you arrive at the venue.

Accessible toilets/showers

Accessible toilets and showers are available on site and where possible we will try and ensure that you are camped in a village with close proximity to them

Induction loops

There are induction loops in place in the Main Venue.

Carer Ticket

If you require a carer ticket please email us at

How do I get to DTI?

Dreaming the Impossible is held at Staffordshire County Showground in Stafford.

The address for the showground is:

Staffordshire Showground
Weston Road

ST18 0BD

We are unable to provide any transport, so you’ll need to arrange your own travel to and from the event.

Travel by Car

Staffordshire County Showground is situated on the main A518 Stafford to Uttoxeter road, two miles from Stafford and five miles from junction 14 of the M6 motorway. Drivers from either the north or south using the M6 should exit at junction 14 and follow the signs for the County Showground.

Travel by Train

If you are arriving by train the closest station is Stafford Railway Station, approx 4 miles from the showground.

Travel by Bus

The 841 bus going towards Uttoxeter, can be caught from the Shrewsbury Arms Pub, a short walk from the station, and will take you to the showground

Where will we be staying?

Most of our team and delegates will be camping together at Staffordshire Showground, either in caravans or tents. Delegates are very welcome to stay in hotels, hostels, Airbnb's and travel to the showground each day.

Camping Zones

The campsite is divided into 4 coloured villages: red, blue, green and yellow. Each youth group will be allocated to one of these villages. Each village has a central marquee or Hub where your Campsite Hosts can be located from 08:00-23:30 each day throughout DTI. The Campsite Hosts are there to ensure you have the best time at DTI, answer any questions you may have and will be on hand to help with setting up your campsite.

We will email out a few weeks before DTI to ask your group how many tents and marquees you plan to bring. There is no limit on the number of tents that you can bring, however we do ask you to be accurate in your calculations so that we can fit everyone on site. Camping is allocated on a regional basis, so where possible youth groups from the same towns and cities will be camped together. If you would like to camp with a youth group from another region we may be able to accommodate this. Please email and we will see if this is an option.

When you arrive, your Campsite Hosts will welcome you and show you exactly where to camp on your village. They will help to ensure that your camping area meets fire safety regulations, and that your youth group has everything that they need throughout the week

What happens when we arrive?

All delegates may arrive from 12:00 Saturday 2 August 2025. We will be unable to let any youth groups onto the site before this time due to final safety checks and site preparations. Any groups arriving before this time will be directed towards the carpark and will be unable to access any of the sites facilities.

You are welcome to bring additional team to get your campsite setup as we appreciate this can take a while!

When you arrive, you can drive your car or minibus to your campsite but you will need to unload your vehicle and return it to one of the car parks immediately. After the first day, vehicles will not be permitted on site unless permission has been granted by the welcome team at the gates. Please be aware that it is a working showground, so some areas of the site are not accessible by larger vehicles such as coaches or vans. If you are arriving by coach, you must notify us in advance so we can make sure your camping area is accessible for you.

Onsite Deliveries

If you’re arranging to have a food delivery, marquee, catering equipment or anything else delivered to the site, please arrange delivery times so you’ll be on site to receive the items. Please also do email us to inform us too so we can know when we can expect items to arrive.

Below are some links to local marquee companies:

Signature Marquees

Mr Marquee

Can we bring people who will be responsible for cooking for our group?

Yes! We have a Cook's ticket that will be available for youth groups, that will enable an adult to come on site to help with cooking and shopping for your group.  We offer a full week Cook's ticket, or day tickets depending on which is easier for your group.

The Cook's ticket will give them access to the site and the main evening meeting each day. If you would like a link to this ticket please email us at

Onsite Support

Pastoral Support


We believe that everyone gets to play, and that God empowers all of us to pray for each other and so we want to do our very best to empower the young people and youth leaders to pray for each other. To help facilitate this and make sure it is a safe environment for everyone we have an equip team. Our equip team is made up of people with experience in praying for people and they are there to support you and your youth group to pray. They are mainly in the main meetings but also pop along to some seminars. They will walk around during the main meetings making sure everyone is alright and may occasionally offer suggestions. They will be identifiable by their badges which say ‘Equip’ on them.

Chat Room

We have a brilliant team of people who are on hand to chat during the afternoons and evenings. We point people towards the Chat Room if there’s anything - big or small - that they’d like to discuss with someone who is outside of their situation. We offer prayer but this is not a counselling service. It is run alongside our Connect team (detailed below) who will step in if there is an issue that requires professional and/or ongoing support.


Sometimes information is disclosed in the Chat Room or during a ministry time that requires us to take more serious action. Our Connect team is made up of professional counsellors, social workers, teachers and other professionals that are knowledgeable in safeguarding procedures. They are there to support anyone onsite but mainly to make sure the correct action is taken to ensure that the young person is taken care of when they leave the event, whether that is by you or by your local services. The Connect team will liaise with you as the group leader of any young person they are in contact with.

First Aid 

We have a first aid team who are on call 24/7 in case of emergency. They are a mix of doctors, nurses and first aid trained professionals.

Any ongoing medical treatment (such as allergy tablets) can be administered by you, as well as basics like plasters and painkillers. We suggest you note down any allergies or medicines taken in case of emergency.

Diarrhoea and Vomiting

If any of your young people are showing signs of diarrhoea or vomiting, we ask that you leave them in their tents and call for the first aid team to come to you to reduce the risk of it spreading.



At the gate

The showground’s main gate is staffed by our own team, who take care to ensure those under 18 remain on site unless accompanied by an adult, as well as ensuring those arriving on site during the week do so legitimately. The team also ensures traffic moves safely around site on arrival and departure days, and keeps a watchful eye on the car parks

In an emergency

We will provide First Aid cover on site. And, of course, we make sure all sporting activities are carefully supervised with appropriate safety equipment - we complete full risk assessments for every area of DTI.

We will have a coloured wristband for each delegate on site that matches the colour of the village they are staying on.


We have a dedicated Safeguarding Coordinator on site, whose role is to be available for advice, both for young people, their supervising adults and event servers. All our team are trained on and asked to adhere to the VCUKI Safeguarding Policy. In addition, every team member must provide a reference of their suitability to serve from their church leader.

Phone charging

Phone charging points can be found in some of the café venues on site and will be available when the cafés are open. You just need to bring a USB charger along with you and you’ll be able to plug in and keep your phone alive!

Ice pack exchange

You can swap your warm ice packs for frozen ones onsite each day – check the programme for time slots in the mornings and afternoons. Swaps are free or you can buy new ones.

Getting cash

We suggest you and your young people bring some cash with you. There are no cash points on site. The closest cash points are a short drive away at Asda.

Toilets & showers

We provide significantly more than the required minimum of toilets and showers for the number of people camping onsite but if you want to shower at peak times, you may have to wait. We suggest showering in the afternoon or evening to help keep queuing to a minimum. We have a cleaning crew working throughout the day to keep things nice but depending on the weather, there may be a bit of mud. If you spot any problems with showers or toilets, please report them to the site team using the QR codes on display.

Photographers & Videographers 

We have photographers and videographers wandering around taking pictures and video for future publicity. They will be wearing an ‘Photographer’ or ‘Media’ badge for identification. Please be assured that any video shot during ministry times will be handled with the greatest sensitivity in order to respect everyone’s privacy. By attending DTI, delegates agree that their image may be captured and used by DTI and VCUKI. This may be in photographs or other digital media and may be used for promotional materials or other information which we produce.

Delegates can opt out of this by speaking to the photographer or asking us to remove their image by contacting the DTI media team during or  after the event via our website You can also inform your Campsite hosts who will pass on your request.

Is there a programme for 0-11's?

Yes! There is a great Dream Kid’s programme setup for our  0-11s each morning.  In the morning there will be a session for the 0-4's and a group for the 5-11's. Please note the Kids programme is only for Youth Leaders children and team children. If you are a team member wanting to serve and book your children on, please email to discuss which teams would be the best fit for you to serve alongside looking after your kids.

In 0-4's there will be loads of space to worship, learn Bible stories, do some craft and play games each morning.

In 5-11's there will be a jam packed morning of worship, teaching, ministry, games, and craft.

Check in opens at 10:45 and the session will run from 11:00-13:00.

There will be an evening session for 8-11’s and a film for kids aged 5-7. Check in will open at 18:45 and the session will run until 21:00.

Baby Bathing

Baby bathing will be available each evening and we’ll provide baths and warm water. Please see the programme/site map for more details.

When does DTI finish?

Wednesday 6 August is a full day, with all the usual meetings, seminars, cafes and evening entertainment. The venues will close at 23.00pm. We’d love everyone to stay on site and leave the following morning 7 August. Please make sure you’re all packed up and on your way by 9:30am.

Youth Leaders Risk Assessment

We are delighted that you’d like to bring your youth group to DTI 2025 at the Staffordshire Showground. They will have a fantastic time and we so look forward to hosting you!

The following questions are intended to assist group coordinators and youth leaders in the preparation of their own risk assessments for attending DTI.  The list is intended to be a guide only, not exhaustive, and each youth group remains legally responsible for undertaking its own risk assessments prior to attending the event

The event venue itself has its own risk assessments in place, as do the event organisers, the list below relates primarily to the youth groups themselves.

  1. How will you ensure that a 1:8 ratio of youth leaders to youth is maintained at all times? And that this takes account of any additional needs that young people may have which requires a higher ratio of leaders to young people?
  2. Are all your youth leaders suitably qualified and experienced?
  3. What sleeping arrangements have you made? (ensuring they are appropriate and that parents are aware)
  4. How will you know the whereabouts of every young person within your care at all times? 
  5. Do you have a contingency plan (e.g. nominated deputies or reserves) in the event of any youth leaders falling ill prior to, or during, the event (e.g. due to illness)?
  6. Does your church have suitable liability insurance in place for your youth group to attend DTI?
  7. Do you have full emergency contact details and a GDPR-compliant record of all known relevant medical/personal factors?

For example, do any of the young people and team attending have any of the following conditions or concerns?

a) any allergies with a risk of anaphylactic shock;

b) check if they will have appropriate medication to manage a reaction (e.g. an Epi-pen)? 

c) any mobility challenges or hearing and/or visual impairments (they may require a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan for the main venue)

d) any alcohol or illegal drug dependency (attendees will not be permitted to bring or use alcohol or illegal drugs on-site)

e) epilepsy or autism which would make attendance at a large noisy evening venue challenging or even harmful (please note, an alternative quiet venue will be available)

f) a history of violence or threats, and use or threatened use of weapons;

g) any safeguarding concerns (actual or suspected history of harming other children or vulnerable adults) 

h) do they have any high-risk medicines that are required to be kept locked up and/or refrigerated:

i) do they have any ongoing major health concerns such as heart conditions, cancer etc. reducing the range of activities that they can be safely allowed to participate in, and/or creating a need for greater or continuous youth leader supervision

j) do they have a medical need for continuous and/or overnight mains-powered equipment (for example CPAP machine)

k) do they have conditions such as diabetes requiring use of insulin and / or appropriate administration of glucose if the attendee requires it;

l) do they have a history of radicalisation and/or extremist views (all are welcome to DTI but DTI will not permit attendees to promote or encourage harm to self or others).

10.Do you have a church or youth group safeguarding policy in place? Any policy should include that all youth leaders be required to have references and criminal records check completed.

11. Do you know the procedures for safeguarding while on-site? The following is designed to supplement an existing safeguarding policy of your church which should be used in conjunction with the information set out below.

a) All allegations of child abuse will be referred to the DTI Safeguarding Co-ordinator or their deputy. If the suspicions in any way implicate both the Co-ordinator and the Deputy Co-ordinator, then Children’s Services or the sending churches’ co-ordinator should be contacted in accordance with the safeguarding policy. Thirtyone: eight could also be contacted for advice.

b)The DTI Safeguarding Co-ordinator has the responsibility to action all allegations or suspicions of abuse. If the suspicions in any way involve the Co-ordinator then the matter should be reported to the Deputy Co-ordinator.

c)The Co-ordinator has the authority to contact either Children’s Services local to the child's home, Children’s Services or the Police local to the Camp and/or Thirtyone: eight for advice.

d) Allegations will be dealt with on a 'need to know' basis.

e) If allegations involve a child or worker from a sending organisation then the leader of that church or a nominated person (i.e. their safeguarding coordinator) will be informed. It is expected they will keep confidence and not investigate the matter themselves.

f) Should a sending church have other reporting mechanisms, this will be discussed and an agreement made between that church/organisation.

12. How will transport to or from the event be organised?

a) Have you organised supervision for any non-youth leader drivers so they don’t have sole supervision of a child not their own?

b) Will the drivers be correctly insured and suitably qualified to drive the vehicles such as a minibus?

13. Do you have a code of conduct and behaviour expectations in place?

a) In the extreme event of an attendee having to leave the site due to their behaviour, how will transport be organised if their parent/carer has no access to a vehicle or money for a taxi?

14.What is the First Aid plan for attendees travelling to and from the event using church or youth group-provided transport?

15. How will you safely prepare food on-site?

a)Are your youth leaders or nominated older attendees safely able to set up and use gas cylinders and BBQs?

b) Do those responsible for cooking and handling food have sufficient knowledge or experience in the safe storage of food and when, for example, meat is sufficiently cooked?

c) How will cooking knives be securely stored and accounted for when not in use?

16.How will you store any valuables such as cash brought by leaders or attendees?

17.How will you ensure that attendees do not bring weapons, alcohol or illegal drugs to the event?

18.Do you know the location of the conference venue, the dates of the activity and the denomination responsible (i.e. VCUKI)?

19.Does your group co-ordinator know what they will be responsible for?

Group co-ordinators must be responsible for:

  • Camping with the delegates in their group and staying with them for the duration of the event.
  • Being easily contacted by members of the group during an emergency.
  • Being aware at all times of where the members of their group are or how to contact them.
  • Being easily contacted by the Village Host of their village, and by DTI

 representatives during any emergency in which a member of their group is involved.

  • Being responsible for every member of their group, and for each delegate’s behaviour.
  • Reading the Site Rules, encouraging members of their group booking to do the same.
  • Instructing their group on the Site Rules and being prepared to enforce them where necessary.
  • Taking an active part in supporting the work of the Stewarding team and other teams on site and cooperating with instructions given where necessary.
  • Attending meetings with the site management team should any disciplinary action be necessary, as laid out in the Site Rules and the Discipline and Eviction Policy.
  • Understanding the framework of support available on site that might be needed – being aware of the roles of the First Aid, Connect and Village Host teams.
  • Encourage awareness of personal safety, asking group members to stay in groups of 2’s and 3’s after dark, and taking responsibility for the security of valuables and belongings in the camping area.
  • Making sure their group is well supported, with at least 1 youth leader to 8 young people under 18s, and to consider carefully whether any special needs within the group may require extra help.
  • Making clear to DTI before the time of the event any requests for extra support for special needs or camping requirements.
  • Being actively involved in the pastoral support of every group member and aware of their physical, spiritual and emotional needs throughout the event, seeking help from DTI teams when necessary.
  • Ensuring their group are aware, in advance, of the nature of the event they are attending and the activities that are available for them to join in with.
  • Encouraging their group to remain well-hydrated and to use sun cream and sun hats when appropriate.